Barbados Lottery Operations Post Tropical Storm Dorian

The Barbados Lottery wishes to advise our valued customers that following the passage of Tropical Storm Dorian, our Independence Square retail office will be open today, Tuesday, August 27, 2019, from 11:00am.
We will resume normal operations at all our retail locations, online services and in the airing of our live draw shows.
You are reminded that yesterday’s Double Draw game draws will be held today, Tuesday, August 27, 2019 and winning results posted accordingly. Double Draw tickets purchased in advance will remain valid for the draw number on each ticket.
The posting of winning results for all other Barbados Lottery games conducted August 26, 2019 will be posted today, Tuesday, August 27, 2019.
The Barbados Lottery extends well wishes and asks that you continue to exercise care in taking the necessary precautions for yourselves and families during the progress of this system.