Barbados Lottery customer dances away from Soca on de Hill $1000 richer

LEVERE ADAMSON (left), winner of The Barbados Lottery’s ‘Soca on de Hill Promotion’ accepts the grand prize of $1,000.00 from Kellee King-Campbell (right), Brand & Public Relations Manager, Barbados Lottery. (GP)
THE BARBADOS LOTTERY mixed culture and entertainment as sponsors of the recent Soca on de Hill event, Sunday, July 22, 2018. Patrons of the event and customers took advantage of the many chances to win a variety of prizes courtesy of the Barbados Lottery’s social media, retail office and on the day event promotions, coupled with the convenience of playing and purchasing lottery products on location at Soca on de Hill. A special ‘$1 000 Soca on de Hill Grand prize’ promotion saw winner Levere Adamson somberly, yet happily expressing his surprise at winning the prize as he had been the first patron of the Barbados Lottery’s booth on the day. Shelly Ann Hee Chung, site operations manager, The Barbados Lottery, congratulated Adamson on his lucky win and said: “We believe that these occasions of cultural engagement are integral not only to showcasing the various talents found within Barbados, but also towards the promotion of communal and regional integration.
The Barbados Lottery will continue to support and participate in the various aspects ofcultural development and engagement.” Hee Chung also reiterated that “The Barbados Lottery was pleased to be a sponsor of cultural events and groups like Soca on de Hill, International Bashment Soca Monarch competition and the Gwyneth Squires Grand Kadooment Band, as part of our commitment to cultural investment.”